Dieting by blood group -- Sounds fancy huh? It might just be what you've been missing...or not. People's frustration with weight loss has led them to believe in this seemingly sophisticated way of dieting. I mean if you've tried every diet under the sun and nothing's worked out for you then surely you must be doing something wrong. 🤔 💡You must not be dieting by your blood group! That's why you can't lose weight!😰 That's why you're not in optimal health! Right? Wrong (at least partially). I'll explain.
What is it? Dr. Peter D’Adamo is the creator of blood group eating and his research led him to the conclusion that we should be eating in the same manner as our ancestors for both weight loss and optimal health. It is essentially an evolutionary based diet that attempts to align us with the eating patterns of our ancestors; ancestors with similar blood groups. According to Dr. D’Adamo type Os were meat-eating hunter-gatherers aka providers, while type As were vegetarian farmers aka bantu ba njala, and type Bs were nomads aka chimbwi no plan, eating many more types of food. What are the touted benefits? Weight loss & optimal health. How can you do it? Type A (vegetarians) - Eat vegetables, fruit, grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Do not eat or drink dairy, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and processed foods (this means all canned foods or anything in packaging really). Type B (omnivores) - Eat vegetables, fruit, grains, beans, legumes, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy Do not eat nuts, seeds, and processed foods Type AB (omnivores) - Eat vegetables, fruit, grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy Do not eat or drink alcohol (wamvela), caffeinated beverages, processed foods (this means all canned foods or anything in packaging really) Type O (carnivores) - Eat meat, poultry, fish, and olive oil, nuts, seeds, and eggs Do not eat or drink alcohol (you've heard), caffeinated beverages, dairy, grains like cereal; bread, pasta, rice, beans, processed foods. My opinion I'm not sold on it. Evidence is lacking to support its adoption and the basic fundamentals behind it are negative. It limits food groups which in turn limits calories so you will experience weight loss on it. But that doesn't mean it's healthy. In fact I'd argue that it's not due to its restrictive nature - you'll very likely end up with nutritional deficiencies and a miserable relationship with food on this plan. If you're struggling with weight loss give intermittent fasting a try. Anyway, here's a few Sample Meal Plans for those that haven't been sufficiently discouraged: Type A Meal 1 - Wholegrain bread with avocado or peanut butter plus some fruit (citrus fruits like lemons, grapefruit and oranges) Meal 2 - Salmon/Sardines with asparagus and/or other desired vegetables plus some fruit Meal 3 - Wholegrain pasta with green beans/or other desired vegetables plus some fruit Type B Meal 1 - Oats with milk, with some fruit in the form of bananas, plums, papaya or grapes Meal 2 - Beef/Lamb/Turkey with brown rice and 1-2 servings of green leafy vegetables Meal 3 - Salmon/Cod with potatoes and a green salad Type AB Meal 1 - Oats with milk, ma eggs pa mbali Meal 2 - Fish with carrots, cucumbers and broccoli Meal 3 - Lamb/Turkey with cauliflower, carrots and mushroom Type O Meal 1 - Fruit such as cherries, berries (strawberries, blueberries, cranberries etc.) with eggs Meal 2 - Chicken/Turkey/Beef/Lamb with broccoli and a spinach salad Meal 3 - Fish bream with roasted vegetables
5/18/2021 03:44:08 am
I heard about blood group eating from a lady who used to run a vegetarian restaurant in Lusaka. She follows this diet for health reasons and for those wishing to lose weight, she used to prep daily meals for pick up. Anyway, when i had my cancer scare you can imagine the lengths i went to stay healthy, so i tried it. I lost 12 kgs in 3 months without meaning to lose weight- but more to reduce inflammation in my blood cells which could potentially reduce the spread of cancer. Im not as committed to it now, but I still prefer to eat things on the yes list, it also helps with my skin and allergies. Im definitely pro Blood group eating..(for health reasons.)
Roadrunner Zambia
5/18/2021 01:01:45 pm
In my humble opinion the health benefits derived from your experience with this diet such as clear skin and reduced inflammation are dominantly as a result of elimination of processed foods. This is a common feature across all the blood groups and the most helpful advice prescribed on this diet. Outside of that, it’s just not the approach I’d recommend for good health. I have serious misgivings about someone that creates a diet plan on one hand and sells supplements with the other hand. This is exactly what this guy did. He’s essentially giving you a diet that he knows creates nutritional deficiencies and offers to sell supplements to fix it. That should set off alarms. It’s not all bad, I just believe that you should take what’s really beneficial (which is elimination of processed food) and adapt it to your existing nutritional protocol without going all the way with all its restrictions.
5/19/2021 01:51:14 am
I think some of the restrictions as you put them don't feel like restrictions because certain things generally do not agree with my body (we just force!) Gluten, dairy, etc. I do try to replace dairy with fermented dairy for example and so on. My body definitely does not feel like I'm lacking. I'm not strict with the diet though I mix it up with other diets to suit my health requirements. My blood is A - (rhesus negative) which is quite susceptible to many illnesses
Keith Kapekesa
5/18/2021 11:21:36 am
Wow this is a good piece of reading and advise
Anna Majula
5/19/2021 12:48:47 am
Ine na student budget yanga... what am I supposed to be eating? Lol, because clearly these plans are not made for us. What are the more cheaper options for us trying to follow your advice? (for Type AB) ☺️
5/21/2021 07:38:44 pm
These are good reads, keep ‘em coming!!!
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