Covid-19 isn't showing any signs of slowing down and it's really starting to feel like it's a matter of when, and not if you contract the deadly virus. It's up to you to be ready for the fight when it comes to your doorstep. A few basic lifestyle adjustments and adopted health habits can be very beneficial in keeping your immune system in optimal condition. I want to share some actionable practices that I believe will be useful to you.
General guidelines for health habits: Sleep for a minimum of 8 hours per day Sleeping is your body's auto-repair and revive process. If you skimp out on sleep then your hormones will be thrown off balance and your immunity will fall. Distance yourself from an 'I'll sleep when I'm dead' attitude. Sleep is very important for your health and neglecting to prioritize it can suppress your immunity and leave you vulnerable to the destructive nature of Covid-19. Eat your fruit and vegetables Many of us know that this is good for us but so few go out of their way to ensure adequate intake. In times like these it's crucial that you prioritize its intake. Check out a previous blog detailing immunity boosting nutrition with a sample meal plan here. Manage your stress Stress releases a hormone called cortisol, that if elevated for a sustained period wreaks havoc in your immune system. It's particularly damaging to individuals with high blood pressure. If you don't control life's 'pressure' your body may very well start quitting on you. Get your state of mind under control to protect your immunity. Ma ganizo daily = health problems. I recommend the consistent practice of prayer to allay any fears and help calm your spirit. Whatever it is, whatever you're going through just trust that 'it shall be well'. Consume warm beverages and 30-40mls of fluid per kilogram Drink warm fluids to protect your throat and calculate your daily fluid intake target of 30-40 mls multiplied by your bodyweight in kilograms. For example, if you weigh 100kgs then you should target a daily fluid intake of 3 - 4 liters. Exercise (run) for at least 30 minutes, 5 times per week Exercise, in general, and among many other things strengthens your immune and respiratory system. During times like these I can understand your reluctance to do so from a gym facility or even out in the open on a road run so I wrote another blog post to help you exercise from home. Drink alcohol in moderation Moderation as a general guideline means no more than 3 beers, 3 shots of any spirit, and 3 glasses of wine on a daily basis. Stop or reduce how much you smoke If you smoke, stop. It's not cool and neither are you for doing it. If you can't, try to reduce how many cigarettes you smoke a day until such a time (hopefully) that you get to zero a day. Another thing: steer clear of shisha. It's no healthy alternative, in fact it's worse than regular cigarettes. Again, it's not cool and neither are you for doing it. You shouldn't wait for a ventilator to remind you of how important your respiratory system is. Protect yours. Steaming If you experience any unpleasant Covid-19 like symptoms then it's prudent to incorporate a daily practice of steaming. This involves the inhalation of water vapor coming from boiled substances. The warm, moist air will loosen the mucus in the nasal passages, throat and lungs. My wife prepares eucalyptus in a bowl of boiling water for us to inhale the vapor whenever either one of us starts to feel a bit off. We both feel great after doing this and there's a greater sense of wellbeing. You should try this yourself. Wash your hands (or sanitize) as frequently as possible If provisions are made for handwashing and sanitizing then you should make full use of them as often as possible. If not, take charge of your own hygiene and carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with you everywhere you go and be sure to use it often. As always, mask up, maintain the social distance and don't move about chimbwi no plan unnecessarily.
Given Majula
1/25/2021 08:39:35 am
Insightful ....Thank you for the sample meal plan
1/29/2021 01:10:44 am
You're welcome! Please use it, it could open a door to stronger immunity.
Maluba Mwila
1/25/2021 09:34:55 pm
Thank you Mr Majula, very insightful indeed. I appreciate how there's always something for me to take away each week. This time around it was the stress management. It's so easy to forget how it affects our health, and so the reminder was very much appreciated.
1/29/2021 01:07:32 am
Objective: Be useful to others.
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Nicholas MajulaCategories
August 2023